That was a long and difficult six weeks. I was sleep deprived. I was confused. I was hungry.
The beds were terrible. The rooms smelled weird. The food was inconsistently edible. The homework was hard. The tests were stressful. And I missed my friends.

I learned more than I could ever have imagined. Beyond the nerd topics that we covered in class, I learned more about myself and more about my future. I learned that first impressions may be important, but you cannot let them keep you from ruling out new friendships. I learned that people change. I learn that you should not say, "I'm gonna cut you," early on in a new place; people might actually think you are serious. I learned that I like sushi. I learned that Gorilla Glue stains your fingers. I learned to love Batman. I learned that not all white creeper vans are filled with creepers. I learned that I was wrong to rule out biology as a future career path. I learned with differential equations you can model nearly anything. I learned that never to judge a cookie by its appearance. I learned that food was sub-par because of the band kids, and that the food servers were incredibly nice. I learned to never run around a dorm building complex at night. I learned that I am still terrible at video games. I learned that food tastes better with real plates and real silverware. I learned that I can pull all-nighters. I learned that even the smartest kids in the state have different types of intelligence, and different areas of stupidity. I learned that even nerds do crazy things. I learned to knit. And I learned about life.

Because the whole 'summer at college' thing wasn't new to me (
SSTP 2011), I don't think I was as amazed as some of the other YSPers. But, I had an amazing summer and I most definitely learned . . . a lot.
Nerdy Green out.
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