The annual semi-secret Miss YSP contest was Sunday, and what a joy it was. My guy *Larry, with my help, was transformed into a beautiful honorable-mention-earning woman. I wish I could show you the photo where Larry looks prettier than I do; but we had to swear that the photos would never see the light of the internet. Sorry.
*name changed
On Tuesday, Sarah and I went to see a crash safety test. The Paratransit Bus Side Impact Crash Test encountered several problems so it did not start at 9:00 am . . . More like 4:00 pm. But it was pretty cool and rather quick. Here is my video of the test. Dr. Jung will be sending me the slow-motion edited version later and when he does, I'll post it here.
The other day in my Biochemistry of the Gene class, we were gel electrophoresis-ing. Basically, an electric current is sent through a mixture and DNA fragments separate according to size. And then the actual sizes of the fragments are compared to known size standards. Anyway, we were doing that. And you have to put a small amount of your DNA samples in the small wells with initially hold the sample. So, I was a doing this and Dr. Epstein said, "That was the cleanest loading into the well I have ever seen." (Note: not verbatim). I might have a promising future at the loading wells! Here's a picture of half of the class.
I am including it for
1) I look rather good in this photo.
2) Pictures are worth a thousand words.
3) Photos make this blog more interesting.

Last, Southgate has these amazing cookies. They are wonderful. If you are considering a Southgate meal plan, do it if only for the cookies. Every less-than-decent meal I have had here has been redeemed by these cookies. I sure hope you can buy them at Publix.
It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday. I sure hope this week gets better because right now . . . it kind of sucks. But whatever.
Later gators,
Nerdy Green
p.s. Can I mention gators at FSU? Hmmmm . . .
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