I don't really have much to update you on regarding nerd life here at YSP. . . Oh, my computer science gave us really fun homework for the weekend! It is a video game! No, really. We have to play this computer game which teaches us about Vim. I still have no idea what a Vim is, but the game VIM-Adventures is kinda fun.
Now on to the much more interesting part of YSP, the non-nerdy stuff! Saturday we went canoeing on the Wakulla River! It was quite fun, although tiring. Especially since I had to steer/paddle the entire time! The river was beautiful and we saw an alligator (but sadly no manatee)! I captained a three-person canoe, and we kept going until the current was so strong that we were barely moving. We then enjoyed a very peaceful float back with minimal paddling.
Following the canoeing adventure, I wasn't feeling too great. So what do you think I did? I napped! I fell asleep and so did my roommate, Jamila. And when we finally did wake up three hours later, we had slept through the Tango class taught by Sir Nathan that we were planning on going to. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity to Tango. After we woke up from our nap, we were bored (this happens a lot)! So what did we do? We went to the Sweet Shop, of course! I enjoyed some frappe, falafel, and some of Priyanka's cheesecake. I'm not sure what I would do without that wonderful place.
Under the guise of stargazing, all 40 of us nerds piled into the vans and drove to the FSU stadium. We then gathered around this fountain at midnight. According to FSU tradition, students must be thrown into the Westcott Fountain on their birthday. Well, Gerardo was the lucky birthday boy! However, the Westcott Fountain was drained so that's why we went to the stadium instead. It was quite a sight and actually pretty cool.
Well that's all I got. Later,
Nerdy Green
P.S. I did well on all my AP tests (just ok on some though)
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